About Us
Just under 20 acres in Melrose, Florida. It is almost entirely in pasture. The grass is mostly Bahia with some Bermuda mixed in and is very well established.
If you dig through the turf, it’s beach sand clear to China.
We moved to this small farm in May of 2004 and we have grown this farm into a good little business. The farm was run for quite a number of years as a cow calf operation. The guy we bought it from had 20 mama cows and a bull. It had wonderful fences and was cross fenced into three separate paddocks. Several water tanks were in place. It had a pole barn, a two car size carport type building for equipment storage, and a twelve by twenty four workshop.
Jim’s grandfather was a “Real Farmer”. He had a large farm in south central Minnesota. By most any standards he was successful. Jim’s uncle took over the farm eventually and his cousin still runs it.
Jim’s father was a “Gentleman Farmer”. He was a teacher by trade, but they had a 392 acre cow calf operation where his brother and he worked. Guess you could say this was his pop’s hobby. During these years Jim also worked for the Vet, riding along on farm calls. He basically held down the critters while the vet did terrible things to them.
Now I, Amy, never grew up on or around a farm. I am an “Air Force” brat and consider myself as growing up as a “suburb girl” and never…ever…thought I would be living and working on a farm. And in the time we have lived here, I have learned about all the hardships along with the joys of farming/ranching. I “retired” in May of 2010 from my full time retail career and am now part owner and now part time farmer/rancher of A3Farms.
So far, we tried sheep, cattle, poultry, and a very small amount of gardening.
We used to call this “Adventures in Amateur Agriculture” because when this all started it was supposed to be a hobby. We have been doing this for over 20 years now and since it is no longer Amateur and is a real business, the A3 stands for “Adventures in Alternative Agriculture”
A3 Farms
7112 County Road 214
Melrose, Florida 32666